21便民:[语录] [切换城市]


蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士崛起经典台词集锦 中英对照版


  1.u just don't realize how much until they're gone.You didn't have any family? —There are always people you care about.eRW21便民网

  你有没有家庭? 总会有你关心的人,只有失去的时候才知道他们有多重要。eRW21便民网

  2.ace has cost you your strength.Victory has defeated you.eRW21便民网


  3.hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuringeRW21便民网


  4.If you're working alone, wear a mask.eRW21便民网

  如果你是单打独斗 记得戴面具。eRW21便民网

  5.m not afraid to be seen standing up to them.The mask is not for you. It's to protect the people you care about.eRW21便民网

  我不怕被他们认出来,面具不是为你 是为了保护你关心的人。eRW21便民网

  6.uce, if you want to save the world, you have to start trusting it.eRW21便民网

  布鲁斯,如果你要拯救世界 你首先要信任这个世界。eRW21便民网

  7.e people of our greatest city are resilient.They have proven this before, and they will proveit again.eRW21便民网

  伟大的歌谭市民们拥有坚韧的意志,他们曾经证明过 以后也会继续证明。eRW21便民网

  8.t no ordinary child. A child born in hell. Forged from suffering. Hardened by pain.eRW21便民网


  9.t a man who doesn't care about the world doesn't spend half his fortune to save it. And isn't so wounded when it fails.eRW21便民网


  10. man's tool is another man's weapon.eRW21便民网



  11. expect to destroy my world... and then think that we're gonna shake hands?eRW21便民网


  No, no, no. I know what this means.eRW21便民网

  不,不。 我很清楚会有什么后果。eRW21便民网

  What does it mean?eRW21便民网


  12.means your hatred. And it also means losing someone that I have cared for... since I first heard his cries echo... through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important.eRW21便民网

  后果就是,你会恨我 ,而我也会失去一个人,从他在这屋里呱呱坠地的那天开始,我就一直照料的那个人,但我也可能因此救了你一条命。那才是我的重点。eRW21便民网

  13. idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody. That was the point.eRW21便民网


  14.could use some hotter heads around here.eRW21便民网


  15.'re not allowed to believe in coincidence any more.eRW21便民网


  16.tarted out doing what I had to. Once you've done what you had to, they never let you do what you want to.eRW21便民网


  Start fresh.eRW21便民网


  Ugh. There's no fresh start in today's world. Any 12 year old with a cell phone could find out what you did. Everything we do is collated and quantified. Everything sticks.eRW21便民网


  Is that how you justify stealing?eRW21便民网


  I take what I need from those who have more than enough. I don't stand on the shoulders of people with less. I think I'd do more to help someone than most of the people in this room.Than you.eRW21便民网



